Special Offers

Top FAQ and Company Announcements

Important: We are sorry to inform all our customers, contractors, and friends that we have taken the difficult decision to dissolve the company with immediate effect on 20/02/2024. We trust that for the majority of you this is not a surprise. Ever since Brexit, we have started experiencing challenges finding reliable cleaners. This is in no way an excuse, and we made great memories along the way, but it is time for us to let go of our dream to expand this venture. If you or anyone you know has the energy to pick up things from where we left, this website is available for sale. Currently, it has about 63,700 visits per month from all over the world, and we were having to continuously reject new customers for a long time.

Note: No bookings are available. We have applied to dissolve the company on 20/02/2024.

Website is now on sale!

Browse through our current special offers in Liverpool

* alternatively, visit our standard cleaning services here

In general special offers are reserved for our existing loyal customers subject to availability on a first-come-first-served basis. Exceptions to this rule could be made in some special cases with managerial discretion.

It may be worth to revisit this page from time to time as we might not be able to propose those services to all customers.

Special Offers